Noodle Jump, a funny game inspired by Doodle Jump
DoodleJump is a mobile phone game created by Lima Sky for casual gamers. The aim of the game is to go up as much as possible until the fall.
I like this game, and I wanted to create a similar one for the computer. The goal of NoodleJump is exactly the same as DoodleJump's. But NoodleJump is not a clone.
NoodleJump features a quite powerful customizing tool, which gives the opportunity to the user to create his own themes, his own characters, his own platforms, and to add his favourite musics in the game.
I did not make the game alone, because my artistic level seems to be very low in computer graphics. I recruited a graphic artist, who's nickname is La Satyre.
- Jumping character management- Random level generation with at least one possible way for the character
- Altitude score with classic highscores system (name+score)
- Settings menu including theme choice, sound volume setting and key binding
- Levels, characters, platforms, sounds fully customizable with a theme system
- User data management : key binding, window size, framerate limit, theme chosen, system input time, sound volume ...
Technical specs
NoodleJump is developed with the C++ langage, using the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML). The app parses XML with TinyXML, and uses some SFML animation and resource management classes of the SFML Wiki. The source code is under the General Public License v3 and you can find it on the SVN repositery on the SourceForge website.